Solidarity with the Saturday Mothers

Jun 6, 2024

PEN Sydney reiterates its full solidarity with the Saturday Mothers and urges the authorities of Türkiye to uphold their rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly.

The Saturday Mothers, a group of relatives of victims who were forcibly disappeared in police custody in Türkiye, held their 1000th vigil on Saturday 25 May 2024. PEN Sydney reiterates its full solidarity with the Saturday Mothers and urges the authorities of Türkiye to uphold their rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly. Burhan Sonmez, PEN International President, said:

“For the past 29 years, the Saturday Mothers have been courageously calling for truth and justice for their missing loved ones. Amongst those who were forcibly disappeared were some of Türkiye’s brightest and most promising writers, and some of my closest friends.

The Saturday Mothers have sought to peacefully gather in Galatasaray Square in Istanbul since May 1995, yet have faced brutal crackdowns throughout the years, and scores of peaceful protesters have been prosecuted. Their rallies have effectively been banned for over five years, with armed riot police blockading all access to Galatasaray Square.

We urge the authorities of Türkiye to lift their unlawful ban and to allow the Saturday Mothers to peacefully come together into the future. We remember all those whose fate and whereabouts remain unknown and will continue to stand with the Saturday Mothers in their call for truth, justice, and reparation.”

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